Monday, 28 November 2011

Almost death by piano! Final!

Yes! Here it is, the final submission for the first module.
But lets talk about the last few days of work before showing it.

On Friday everything went smooth and I got a lot of work done, I focused on most of the facial expressions and the hands, in addition to finishing up the run to walk cycle.

Saturday started out great, and I got to work on the stuff right after my character picks up the ball. However, when I rendered a preview and showed it to a friend of mine, we noticed that the steps where waaay to long and the animation was choppy.
I decided to delete all the animation I had done that day, and start over by fixing the storytelling poses in stepped keys. Everything was going great, but after 2 hours I noticed something strange with my rig.
Somehow the foot had been twisted and there was a gap between the foot controller and foot. I had no keys at all that made this happen, I carefully went trough the entire animation 1 frame at the time.
So when I couldn't find the reason behind it, I manually twisted it back and lowered the entire controller to make the animation normal again.

Phew, crisis averted I thought! Not at all, somehow the foot I had problems with would not go out of stepped animation. At that point I almost had a meltdown. I had been sitting at Uni for 10 hours animating and fixing, and I could not get rid of the last problem. I saved one more time and went home to get some sleep.

On Sunday I woke up fresh and ready to tackle the problems and finish the project. Even though I did not fix the problem, I got through it in the end. I sat for over 20 hours, only taking one break to get some food.

Wow, what an eventful weekend this was.
So here it is in all its glory!

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