Tuesday 4 October 2011

Our first assignments.

We got our first assignments today too. Until tomorrow we have to draw a bunch of poses on about 6 pages of paper, this type of assignment is actually one of the things I struggle with the most. I've been sitting outside the library drawing some poses, but because of uncontrollable shacking caused by the cold weather today, Kristian and me moved it to Starbucks instead. I will be posting both some pictures of poses I took, and the drawings I did on this site another time.

The next assignment we got was to hold a 10 minute presentation on one of the animation principles. I got the principle "Appeal". This is actually going to be fun. And I am really looking forward to try this out.

Finally we also got our first animation tasks, to animate a pendulum and to animate 2 different kinds of balls bouncing .

Check back on this blogg to see how I am doing.

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