Wednesday, 19 October 2011

How to animate a bouncing ball!

Since I am now "done" with my bouncing ball animation. I thought it would be a good time to write how I did this task.
I was mostly using The Animators Survival Kit tutorials, when animating the bounces.
Things you should remember while animating a bouncing ball is:

- Ease out & Ease in
-Squash & Stretch
-Arcs  (this will sort of come together by itself when animating, but Ill put it here anyway)

After reading up on these animation principles, I shot a reference video:
And added a Frames Ticker to it, this way I could easely see how many frames each bounce takes.
I am especially pleased with the first ball in the shot, it is almost 2D in the way it bounces across the screen.

You then go on to pose the ball in the extreme positions in the animation and adding frames. After you are pleased with how the bounces look, you then go on to time the bounces, and by doing this right you add weight and motion to it.

I did have some problems with my timing, and that made it look "floaty". But after some feedback from my classmates and Penny. It turned out good after this.

After you are done with that it is time for the Ease In & out part. This is where you define the bounces as bounces and not something randomly moving trought the screen.
Remember ease in and out on top of the bounce, and fast in and out at the ground where it makes contact.

When all of this is done, you can add squash and stretch to the balls that needs it. I did not add that to my golf ball, since it is so riggid and firm. But I added a tiny bit of squash and strech on my rubber ball.

I also found some really good internett tutorials today with good illustrations online that hopefully can explain things in more detail that I can here.
These are:
Idleworm - Angryanimator
Randolf Dimalanta - Intro to 2D Animation

That is it for now, but the next post will be about how to animate a pendulum.
Stay tuned.

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